Liberty Bank & Trust
Believe that they will help users find more financial freedom. Liberty Bank & Trust wants to provide a secure banking platform with access to user’s core functions.
My Role
Design Lead
Google Docs
3 weeks
The challenge is a digital-first solution.
Liberty Bank and Trust want to provide users with core functions and expand its financial education services to give its customers a greater understanding of their finances and the opportunities available.
The solution is behind these two questions . . .
1. What pain points do bank users have in their online experience?
2. What core functions or features do users look for in their banking experience?
To understand the user,
we conducted eight user interviews and coded them on Dovetail to answer those questions.
Key Insights
Intuitive and simple, secure app
Account information should be front and center
Make transfers/payments remotely
If there are educational services, make it a video
Customer service accessibility is important
We studied the competition.
We encountered a limitation regarding accessing Liberty Bank’s app. Due to this limitation, we chose not to conduct a feature analysis and instead to do a competitive and comparative analysis.
mobile banking app video
Key Takeaways From Competitors
Minimalist style
Personalized to user
Account information on the home dashboard
Intuitive transfer and pay process
To overcome the limitation,
we leveraged their mobile banking app videos on their company website to compare Liberty Bank's app with the others.
On the right, we can see their transfers and payments section. Currently, ‘Popmoney’ is a feature to send money to others. It was difficult to find initially without knowledge of what ‘Popmoney’ is compared to competing apps having a simple flow to take you through tasks.
The Problem
How might we create the best navigation for users to get their most important account information?
Through a design studio,
the best possible ideas were sketched out. We discussed our ideas collectively and chose the best route for each screen.
Overall we wanted to show the most efficient way to transfer money from one account to the next.
So, for our first round of sketches, we found a lot of similarities throughout our ideas and different perspectives of representing each step and combined these ideas for the final round.
First Round
click to zoom in
Final Round
click to zoom in
Chat function for faster, efficient customer service
Bell icon for notifications
Straightforward bottom navigation bar
During usability testing,
we aimed to discover any unexpected or overlooked pain points that users come across while sending money to a friend.
We set a testing time limit of 3 minutes maximum. Anything longer failed according to this guideline
Task Completion
100% of users completed the goal within the specified time
100% of users loved the simplistic and intuitive design of the app.
A user stated, “The recipient searched is unclear.”
Recommended that we add the recipient name to the top of the recent list. As shown, our original prototype had all of the recent recipients as one list, while our new and improved prototype bolds the recipient name being searched as well as separated each past recipient from the other.
Next Steps,
To build out the education feature because this is the company’s second focus area. This feature would allow users to learn and acquire knowledge about their finances, such as budgeting and financial responsibility.
Although Liberty Bank didn’t explicitly list customer service as a potential core function or service to consider, Liberty Bank’s users noted one of the main problems that users experience is customer service with their bank.
To achieve a digital-first banking experience, we added the in-app live chat feature so users can easily access customer service as they navigate through any area in the app. We hope to build a more robust customer service experience through this feature and others in the future.